
benefits and dangers of 5G technology in saudi arabia

5.2 thousand towers support G5 technologies in 30 Saudi cities

The number of towers that support 5G technologies have reached 5,200 base towers in more than 30 cities around the Kingdom. A report is issued by the Communications and Information Technology Commission clarified that this technology would add to providing digital infrastructure for several current and new services and systems is added to enabling the fourth industrial revolution and getting emerging and modern techniques.

The report pointed to several qualitative leaps achieved by the communications and I.T department in 2019 to build and strengthen the infrastructure and to improve the quality of service so that modern technologies could be growing and the user experience improved.

The achievements included the Kingdom’s second rank in the list of G5 states for the total distribution of frequency bands identified globally for the provision of mobile communications services, according to reports and statistics of the group’s countries ’allocation of frequency bands, and the Kingdom had reached 2nd after Japan ahead of the U.k, Germany, Italy and Canada, and the rest of the twenty countries, By entering the total frequency bands allocated to provide telecommunications services to 1110 MHz.

The increased spectrum allocations contributed to the increase in internet speeds and the increase in the prevalence of its services, as mobile speeds in the Kingdom at the end of November 2019 reached 51.80MB / s. As a result, the Kingdom ranked 14th globally in mobile internet speeds between countries of the world.

The Communications Authority stated that among the efforts aimed at improving the infrastructure of telecommunications and information technology services are the establishment of necessary support for communication networks, one of the essential services in the new plans, within the framework of qualifying new residential neighborhoods, government, and commercial projects and business areas and equipping them with communications and information technology facilities during the stages of preparation Schemes and building construction, which helps reduce the cost of delivering telecommunications and information technology services to users and providing them early, and reduces road excavation, and will positively reflect the investment in the infrastructure. Greetings for communications, enabling digital transformation.

In the field of digital transformation and modern technologies, the Authority launched during the year 2019 the cloud computing portal, to localize cloud computing services, and to stimulate the adoption of solutions and related technologies in the Kingdom to improve the level of performance, productivity, and flexibility of government agencies and the sector.

The private sector, enabling the knowledge economy, in addition to reducing operating costs, facilitating data access, and ensuring service continuity and a high level of protection.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ranked the Kingdom among the highest mature in regulating the telecommunications and the information technology sector. In contrast, the industry in the Kingdom  achieved a superior position in the indicators of global competitiveness, as the Kingdom  jumped 16 ranks globally in this regard, describing this sector as one of the most developed and developed areas in The Kingdom.

At the level of the postal sector, the Communications and Information Technology Commission assumed the regulatory and oversight functions on it and the Authority issued two regulatory documents that would improve the services provided in this vital sector and enhance investments in it, namely the postal user rights document, and a record of controls and guidelines for providing delivery service via electronic platforms.

The report pointed to the record consumption of data and communications that witnessed the pilgrimage season this year after it reached more than 38.9 thousand terabytes of data by pilgrims - equivalent to watching more than 15.9 million hours of 1080p HD video - an increase of 27% over the year. In the past, the average download speed in Makkah reached 44 Mbps - a rise of 67% over the previous year.

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